We have a wide variety of weekly events, listed below. Check it out and find what interests you the most.
Additionally, if you are bringing a large group of 20, or more, we can schedule all kinds of entertainment or events for you with advanced notice. The more notice you give us, the better the event we can schedule for large groups.

Karaoke Night
Come out and enjoy your favorite tunes, whether you want to sing them or just hear them. Our karoake DJs have karaoke books for you to look through to find that song you just HAVE to sing, or if you just want to hear something, they can probably play it from our extensive digital music database.
Friday from 8pm, also sometimes Thursday or Saturday, but call ahead to confirm. If you have a large group (20 or more) and give us at least 24hours notice, we generally can setup karoake for you as well on a different night.

Monday through Friday, from 1-6pm, come enjoy a great Happy Hour deal. $1 off everything on the menu! That means mixed drinks, wine, beer AND food! Not valid with current discount specials.
Happy Hour
Weekdays between 1-6pm

Sunday Free Poker Tournament
NO buy-in required, these are free entry tournaments for a gift certificate to the bar. Poker players also enjoy happy hour pricing ($1 off everything) while they play.
Games start at 6:30 and 8:30pm every Sunday except the 1st Sunday of the month (see below).

Monthly Charity Poker Tournament
Once a month we host a charity poker tournament benefitting Turpentine Creek. $15 buy-in (includes charity donation), 7,500 in chips, 20 minute blinds, and one rebuy available for the first hour. $150 in cash and $75 in gift certificates MINIMUM GUARANTEED prize.
First Sunday of each month, charity tournament starts at 5pm, with a normal free tournament at 8-8:30.

Weekly Pool Tournament
Every week we have a 8-ball pool tournament, with APA standard rules. If you are not familiar with the rules, feel free to ask Chris, the organizer, or any of the players. They are always happy to help out a new player.
Every Tuesday, at 7pm, entry fee is $7. Come early, pool tables are open for players to practice and warm up